1.0 Commissioners - qualifications and selection.

A. The Le Bleu special road district shall consist of three commissioners appointed by the Lane County board of commissioners.
B. Except as provided specifically for herein, ORS Chapter 371 shall govern the appointment of the commissioners.
C. Each commissioner shall be an elector of the district.
D. Before entering upon the duties of office, a commissioner shall take and subscribe an oath to support the Constitution and laws of the state of Oregon and of the United States, and to well and faithfully perform the duties of office to the best of the commissioner’s knowledge and ability.

1.1 Term of office.

With the exception of the first appointed commission the term of office of a district commissioner shall be three years.

1.2 Subsequent appointments.
In October of each year the district commissioners shall solicit by public notice volunteers from the district electors to fill the board position that begins January 1 of the following year. The district commissioners shall select from these volunteers a nomination to fill the position. The district board shall submit this nomination to the Lane Country board of commissioners in November of that year.
(sample county board agenda item: " 8. MISCELLANEOUS – Appointment to the Le Bleu Special Road District (Commissioner Smith) A vacancy will exist on the Le Bleu Special Road District due to the expiring term of John Brown. Mr. Brown would like to be reappointed to a new term that would expire December 31, 2014.")

1.3 Vacancies.
Vacancies on the district board shall be filled by appointment by the district board for the unexpired term.

2.0 District Officers
There shall be a Board Chairperson. The term of office of the Chairperson shall be for one calendar year. The district board shall select a chairperson for the following year at the October board meeting.
The duties of the Chairperson are to preside over district meetings and to certify and sign orders and decisions of the district board of commissioners.
There shall be a Secretary-Treasurer. The term of office is indefinite. This position is appointed by the district board of commissioners and may be filled by any board commissioner (except the Chairperson) or district elector.
The duties of the Secretary-Treasurer are to maintain district records including financial records and minutes of all district board meetings.